From Dr. Radzikowska:
“In February 2019 I was invited to give a talk by the University of Wisconsin, sponsored by the Allen Centennial Garden, titled Communicating Innovation Across the Garden.

I designed the talk as a collaborative workshop exploring potential for innovative visual communication and interpretation strategies within the Garden. Because of the talk’s central theme—that information design and visualization have the potential to connect data with the human experience through story telling, collaborative making, and critical reflection—I partnered with Gray Miller from Gray Miller Creative to add a graphic recording component to the presentation. “

Rather than a mere addition, his contribution became integral in communicating the presentation material and engaging my audience. We used themes from popular films as a way to help attendees contextualize the material within their own disciplines, reinforce my talk’s core themes, help clarify complex information design problems, and demonstrate how theory can become practice. The resulting visual maps reflected not only my own talking points, but the participants’ new found insights.”